
In the beginning, humanity has achieved an unimaginable accomplishment through technological progress, which was the birth of an artificial intelligence a century ago. Humanity has created automatons with the sole purpose of aiding the whole civilization in advancement. Until suddenly, these automatons, which assists the humanity, revolted against their creators. A cataclysmic war was happened between our ancestors and their adversary. Humanity was almost in the brink of extinction that they hid beneath underground for a century to avoid these wandering automatons and the nuclear wastes above the ground. Humanity lost hope and won't be the same again as before but maybe you have the power to change the faith of humanity. Will you be able to?

Thus, operation Iron Firmament has begun!

About This Game

2147 Iron Firmament is a shoot-em up, bullet hell, arcade game, inspired by Strikers 1945. It was developed for the sole purpose of submitting this game for Block Born's 90s Arcade Gamejam and for I, as a beginner game developer, to learn more about new things in game dev stuffs.

As a requirement for Block Born's 90s Arcade Gamejam, here is my github page:


In order to move in the game, press W to move forward, to move backward, to move left and D to move right. Alternatively, you can press the arrow keys base on your preferences. It's up to you! On the other hand, in order to shoot, you have to press the space key. You can press the space key longer for your plane to shoot continuously. 


Jerico G. Despe (aka AcerStructor)

2D Artist, Game Designer, & Programmer

Font, Music & Sound Effect Assets Used

Sound effects from

AdhesiveWombat - Night Shade (Main Menu)

Joshua McLean - Mountain Trials (Gameplay Soundtrack)

PeriTune  - 8bitRPG Battle (Boss Battle)

Arcade fonts are downloaded from

All audio and font assets are free for commercial use

(Note: Any feedback is appreciated!)

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
TagsArcade, Bullet Hell, Shoot 'Em Up


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(1 edit) (+1)

Nice artstyle and overall very real oldschool experience. Great job!
If you continue, nice would be
-touch damage
-some hit effects for not deadly shots.
-make it impossible to hide behind the scoreboard

But really an enjoyable experience alreay.

Those are some good ideas once If I plan to continue this game. I appreciate your feedback and thank you so much! :D


Nice game! endless mode was good. It just needs some power ups! If you decide to continue with this project, I would suggest smarter enemies that move around

Good Idea! I'll keep that in my mind for sure if I'm going to continue updating this game. I appreciate your feedback. :D